Something to liven up a quiet afternoon.
Materials required:
-A printer
-A video camera or some sort of recording device
-Thick skin
Everything that is posted anywhere on a UniSA campus must either originate from the university administration, or be approved by the student association.
Why not draw up some posters in support of VSU and try to get them stamped by USASA?
Make sure you read their guidelines regarding promotion before you do this, so they can't create reasons on the spot why it's not allowed.
From what I understand, anything from political advertising to car ads is quite OK provided it does not contain offensive/abusive language and is not sexist or racist.
Stick within these guidelines and promote VSU on its merits
-It's consistent with freedom of association
-It would make the student union earn their money and improve accountability
-It would enhance social equity as obligatory student unionism hurts disadvantaged students by compelling them to part with cash they can ill afford.
Present this to the front desk with a smirk and while wearing neat attire. Watch their faces, take note of any socialist hippy rant.
Repeat at other universities.
The requirement for this kind of material to be approved by a far from impartial body is actually quite a serious matter. USASA, and quite probably the other student unions effectively control dissent by controlling the messages that reach students' eyes.
This is yet another reason why I believe these things are a crooked protection racket and am glad (In this particular case) that Howard will have total control of the senate come July 1.
-A printer
-A video camera or some sort of recording device
-Thick skin
Everything that is posted anywhere on a UniSA campus must either originate from the university administration, or be approved by the student association.
Why not draw up some posters in support of VSU and try to get them stamped by USASA?
Make sure you read their guidelines regarding promotion before you do this, so they can't create reasons on the spot why it's not allowed.
From what I understand, anything from political advertising to car ads is quite OK provided it does not contain offensive/abusive language and is not sexist or racist.
Stick within these guidelines and promote VSU on its merits
-It's consistent with freedom of association
-It would make the student union earn their money and improve accountability
-It would enhance social equity as obligatory student unionism hurts disadvantaged students by compelling them to part with cash they can ill afford.
Present this to the front desk with a smirk and while wearing neat attire. Watch their faces, take note of any socialist hippy rant.
Repeat at other universities.
The requirement for this kind of material to be approved by a far from impartial body is actually quite a serious matter. USASA, and quite probably the other student unions effectively control dissent by controlling the messages that reach students' eyes.
This is yet another reason why I believe these things are a crooked protection racket and am glad (In this particular case) that Howard will have total control of the senate come July 1.