The Mumblings of an Observer

Jurgen Schrempp is currently the boss of DaimlerChrysler Corporation. He is a ruthless, chain smoking industrialist. As a known philanderer, he probably fathered an illegitimate son while heading up Mercedes-Benz' glorious sanctions busting South African operation in the early 1980's.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Canberra. It doesn't matter how much you think you're paying in rent. You're still in country NSW.

Or so it would appear, judging by the fellow in the pub last night, who looked as if he was on the way to some kind of rodeo type gathering. The Lee Kernaghan playing in the background and god forsaken people caring about rugby completed the picture.

I still have not found a decent reference point from which to assess Canberra. If I think of it as Adelaide, but one third the size, I miss the point. Canberra has nothing like the puritanical laws and pov that Adelaide has.

Canberra has the highest average income of any capital city in Australia. This is not because there is immense wealth here, there isn't. It is because nobody has any reason to come here unless they've got a job. Even so, I have seen a few people struggling, the odd lady pushing a shopping trolley full of her belongings, a fellow washing people's windscreens at intersections.

This is a bad place to be poor. Accommodation is expensive and hard to find, and sleeping outside during a Canberra winter is lethal. The local policing here is performed by the AFP, who don't seem that concerned about most things that aren't Arabic. Hence there is no kind of hobo cleansing that has obviously been performed in Melbourne.

Various other things are unsurprising. The toy section of Myers in Burke St. Melbourne is almost as large as the whole Myers at Canberra Central. I went shopping for a new suit today and difficulty finding my size in my preferred colour. This is unthinkable in Melbourne, or even in Adelaide. In the end I found a charming sub-continental homosexual chap who sold me a fine suit.

For some reason, I still quite like the place.

For example:

Hell if there ain't the caucasian tang in The Man's home town. Indeed, the entire city looks to have been built to Anglo-Saxon specifications, although not the kind you find in Elizabeth, more the kind you find in Burnside.

In other news: Sharing a house with a lady means various things. When I lived by myself it was normal to step out of the bathroom bollock naked. I should not do this now.


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