Rau speaks for herself.
It is very clear that detaining and deporting Australian citizens in the mistaken belief that they are here illegally is truly unacceptable. The federal government has an impressive capacity for incompetence indeed.
It is equally clear that Cornelia Rau should be entitled to compensation of some sort, although the amount is still in question. It depends on her ability to explain why she used two aliases when dealing with authorities. "I had my reasons" isn't quite good enough.
Anything that she did, which made it harder for authorities to spot their mistake, or indeed made it easier for them to make one in the first place can be considered contributory. If her contribution was the result of a mental illness, then it's back on the government.
Ms Rau claims that she was "At no stage mentally ill", although her sister seems to disagree.
She believes that Queensland police took her into custody for no particular reason. No ma'am, they may not have had a very good reason, they may have been mistaken, but it is not the policy of any police department in the land to lock up white people indiscriminately.
While Cornelia Rau is certainly a worthy candidate for compassion and sympathy, the truth needs to come out and the ranting she engaged in yesterday did not help matters.
It is equally clear that Cornelia Rau should be entitled to compensation of some sort, although the amount is still in question. It depends on her ability to explain why she used two aliases when dealing with authorities. "I had my reasons" isn't quite good enough.
Anything that she did, which made it harder for authorities to spot their mistake, or indeed made it easier for them to make one in the first place can be considered contributory. If her contribution was the result of a mental illness, then it's back on the government.
Ms Rau claims that she was "At no stage mentally ill", although her sister seems to disagree.
She believes that Queensland police took her into custody for no particular reason. No ma'am, they may not have had a very good reason, they may have been mistaken, but it is not the policy of any police department in the land to lock up white people indiscriminately.
While Cornelia Rau is certainly a worthy candidate for compassion and sympathy, the truth needs to come out and the ranting she engaged in yesterday did not help matters.
At 5:25 pm,
Gilganixon said…
She is, quite clearly, delightfully mad. When confronted by a woman screeching incoherently in German, the average Australian would be hard pressed to come to any conclusion other than that they were dealing with some kind of a German. I imagine that the situation went in a wise similar to this : Immigration officials discover nothing about her but that she speaks nothing but German and she's given a German name that shows up on none of the relevant registers in this country. Hence, she's here illegally.
This, of course, doesn't excuse the immigration policy as it stands and fails to explain why a psychiatrist of some kind couldn't spot her mental issues when they're plain to anyone who saw her rambling inanely on television the other night. Perhaps this is because she didn't have access to a shrink while locked up in one of our delightful hell-holes. As you've said, a white woman, no matter how insane she may be, is not usually locked up for no reason in Australia, and heads will probably roll for this one. I hope they get dear ol' Mandy, she's quite on the nose.
At 7:02 pm,
Mr Schrempp said…
I wouldn't be overly upset if Mandy did get it in the neck, but this would only be a symbolic gesture. The weaknesses in the system that allowed this to happen in the first place would still be there. This is why I get irritated by people who do not want to discuss how the actions of all parties (Including the wronged party)contributed to the situation. If these things aren't put under scrutiny, then there's no reason to believe this wouldn't happen again.
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