No. The whole world is not watching, you spiral -dancing, dread- locked welfare dependant.
But that's what they chant, nonetheless at the police barricade at Baxter detention centre.
Consider this. The people of Australia were so appaled at Howard's refugee policy that they voted him right back into office with an increased margin. With this in mind, how much do you think a Frenchman, or a Pole cares about the internal policy of a tiny western outpost half way around the world?
This is not to say that the policy is actually any good, but for fuck's sake please stop telling blatant lies.
It was hard to side with either the protesters or the police over the easter weekend scuffle. On one hand, there are the protesters, under the illusion that the Left all share some kind of unity and that yelling and acting like ferals will actually cause a change to government policy. The place was teeming with people who I would neither have in my house, nor to whom would I lend money.
On the other, you have the police, getting upset about a bundle of balloons and totally losing their shit. The (I think) Deputy Commissioner of SAPOL said they were provoked. This is true, protesters were told not to fly kites or bring balloons because it might fuck with the airspace around the detention centre. They did it anyway, I believe to test the limits of police tolerance. Police took the bait, and made some lovely authoritarian footage for the evening news.
This reminds me of when me and my older brother were kids. I'd act like a little shit, my brother would chase me around, my dad would lay into him because he should have been old enough to know better.
And there's nothing more big brother-like than a column of STARforce officers caked in shields, flak jackets and batons.
I think I'm drifting into conservatism. In South Australia'a next state election I might very well vote Liberal. Our Labor government is pissing me off, Mike Rann's PR team is probably the largest employer in SA. Of course all politicians in a democracy like to floss the proles, but Rann takes this to extremes. He has totally reversed a principle of good policy, and that is to do whatever you think is a fair thing under the circumstances THEN try to sell it to The People. Rann takes Public Opinion (Summarised flawlessly by the editorial of "The Advertiser"), and tries to figure a way to put it into practice without doing too much damage.
Witness the home defence laws, which actually contribute nothing to an already towering pile of legal precedent stating pretty clearly that folks have a right to use deadly force to protect their homes.
We dodged a bullet with that one, he didn't actually fuck anything up.
We were a little less lucky when a young gentleman by the name of Paul Nemer was convicted of shooting a dude in the eye, only to be sentenced to a $100 good behaviour bond and no custodial time.
It seemed pretty lenient and the cunt probably should be in prison. The Advertiser was baying for blood.
In order to throw this public dog a bone, the Rann government pulled some pretty crafty shit. It has led to the Attorney General now having the power to order the DPP the appeal a judicial decision. Not just the ones involving rich kids getting away with light sentences, but any case, anywhere in the land.
Say hello to your new friend "Politically motivated judicial outcome"
A more recent move that has thankfully been put on the backburner is one that would allow police to enter parliament and arrest dudes for exercising parliamentary privilege. The reason for this law?
"We've done some polling, Mike and we reckon that Joe Prole doesn't like Peter Lewis too much. If you wrote a law that would shut up guys like him, you could gain maybe 5 points."
Peter Lewis seems like a bit of a tool, but hell. Parliamentary privilege has been part of the Westminster system forever, and has probably prevailed through much worse than this.
It just isn't possible to support somebody who fucks with some fairly major bedrock shit like judicial independance and freedom of speech just for a short term opinion poll boost.
I'd like to see Rob Kerin whup his arse in the coming election, but I believe it unlikely. The only issue I think the Liberals are strong on now is Labor's land tax grab, and that only applies to investors. Otherwise I don't think I've ever seen an opposition win an election by saying "The Premier's been listening to you fools too much, and he's willing to pull all sorts of strings to keep you happy"
Let's hope I'm wrong.
Consider this. The people of Australia were so appaled at Howard's refugee policy that they voted him right back into office with an increased margin. With this in mind, how much do you think a Frenchman, or a Pole cares about the internal policy of a tiny western outpost half way around the world?
This is not to say that the policy is actually any good, but for fuck's sake please stop telling blatant lies.
It was hard to side with either the protesters or the police over the easter weekend scuffle. On one hand, there are the protesters, under the illusion that the Left all share some kind of unity and that yelling and acting like ferals will actually cause a change to government policy. The place was teeming with people who I would neither have in my house, nor to whom would I lend money.
On the other, you have the police, getting upset about a bundle of balloons and totally losing their shit. The (I think) Deputy Commissioner of SAPOL said they were provoked. This is true, protesters were told not to fly kites or bring balloons because it might fuck with the airspace around the detention centre. They did it anyway, I believe to test the limits of police tolerance. Police took the bait, and made some lovely authoritarian footage for the evening news.
This reminds me of when me and my older brother were kids. I'd act like a little shit, my brother would chase me around, my dad would lay into him because he should have been old enough to know better.
And there's nothing more big brother-like than a column of STARforce officers caked in shields, flak jackets and batons.
I think I'm drifting into conservatism. In South Australia'a next state election I might very well vote Liberal. Our Labor government is pissing me off, Mike Rann's PR team is probably the largest employer in SA. Of course all politicians in a democracy like to floss the proles, but Rann takes this to extremes. He has totally reversed a principle of good policy, and that is to do whatever you think is a fair thing under the circumstances THEN try to sell it to The People. Rann takes Public Opinion (Summarised flawlessly by the editorial of "The Advertiser"), and tries to figure a way to put it into practice without doing too much damage.
Witness the home defence laws, which actually contribute nothing to an already towering pile of legal precedent stating pretty clearly that folks have a right to use deadly force to protect their homes.
We dodged a bullet with that one, he didn't actually fuck anything up.
We were a little less lucky when a young gentleman by the name of Paul Nemer was convicted of shooting a dude in the eye, only to be sentenced to a $100 good behaviour bond and no custodial time.
It seemed pretty lenient and the cunt probably should be in prison. The Advertiser was baying for blood.
In order to throw this public dog a bone, the Rann government pulled some pretty crafty shit. It has led to the Attorney General now having the power to order the DPP the appeal a judicial decision. Not just the ones involving rich kids getting away with light sentences, but any case, anywhere in the land.
Say hello to your new friend "Politically motivated judicial outcome"
A more recent move that has thankfully been put on the backburner is one that would allow police to enter parliament and arrest dudes for exercising parliamentary privilege. The reason for this law?
"We've done some polling, Mike and we reckon that Joe Prole doesn't like Peter Lewis too much. If you wrote a law that would shut up guys like him, you could gain maybe 5 points."
Peter Lewis seems like a bit of a tool, but hell. Parliamentary privilege has been part of the Westminster system forever, and has probably prevailed through much worse than this.
It just isn't possible to support somebody who fucks with some fairly major bedrock shit like judicial independance and freedom of speech just for a short term opinion poll boost.
I'd like to see Rob Kerin whup his arse in the coming election, but I believe it unlikely. The only issue I think the Liberals are strong on now is Labor's land tax grab, and that only applies to investors. Otherwise I don't think I've ever seen an opposition win an election by saying "The Premier's been listening to you fools too much, and he's willing to pull all sorts of strings to keep you happy"
Let's hope I'm wrong.
At 10:21 pm,
Gilganixon said…
I've often said state elections are a waste of time. No matter which way you cast your vote, you're hurling away at east twenty minutes of your time and wasting anything that might be left of the tattered remains of your faith in The System. Whereas Federal governments sometimes develop enough spine to lay down unpopular policies on the implicit basis that the voters are too shit-ignorant to know what's good for them, Rann and co. are generally too busy crawling up the arse of anybody who can swing a vote with a jar of vaseline and a bouquet of roses. Sometimes this is a good thing, as in the case of the Port River bridge which Rann caved in on, but more often it means that Rann will mutter constantly about getting tough on crime. Luckily his influence in judicial matters is pretty close to nil, for all his bluster, bluff and bullshit.
As for the hippies, I've been at those protests. At Woomera in 02, the police were pretty restrained until they got going. It took a lot to get them going though, and the hippies were provoking them into it. While at Baxter they make a big deal of 17 or so arrests, there were a hell of a lot more hippies there than that, and while they claim the cops were beating them for flying balloons, I saw footage of a stoned hippy bastard stripping in front of police officer before his prompt arrest. Hippies are annoying cunts and I don't care what happens to them at all. They do know how to put on a show for the cameras, firstly by provoking police brutality and then screaming about oppression while they resist arrest while totally naked. I don't agree with the detention policy either, and it is an internationally known issue (if internet Americans know about it, and they seem to as they use it to counter criticism about Guantanamo Bay from Australians, it must make the news semi-regularly). However, a hippy love in is a great way to alienate the person who hasn't made his mind up, or doesn't like it either but doesn't want to be associated with those swine.
Good to see another post from you, by the way. I rather enjoy reading them.
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