"Holden means a lot to Australia" -Fuck off and die.
This arsehole- I don't know his name, but I believe he has something to do with "Rove Live"- is being paid to tap into my immense well of patriotism in order to pry cash from my already bare wallet.
I don't think I have much to fear from the charms of a 3rd rate comedian doing advertisements for a car company, but it raises an interesting point.
Is it possible to be a patriotic Australian without subscribing to "Football, meat pies, domestic violence and thuggish behaviour overseas"? I believe it is.
This year the trend has been bucked and the Australian of the year is not an athlete of any kind, but rather a person of actual worth. A woman who has pioneered spray on skin for burns victims (See: "People who do good are rarely referred to as do gooders") is a more deserving winner than we've seen in a while.
There is much to make a citizen of this country proud, and not all of it is familiar to people who watch "A Current Affair" Indeed some of the crap being fed to that kind is nothing to be proud of at all. Consider the Diggers in World War One, and specifically Gallipolli. The British treated us with the kind of ambivalent disdain normally reserved for cockroaches, and we took it. We accepted it. It was a shameful page of our national history.
A much more note worthy incident was in the second world war, when our prime minister told Winston Churchill to go and fuck himself, and pulled our battleships out of Europe to concentrate on the more immediate Japanese threat. That's ballsy, and should be celebrated but it isn't.
Many more lesser known events exist, and may be chronicled here as information comes to hand.
I don't think I have much to fear from the charms of a 3rd rate comedian doing advertisements for a car company, but it raises an interesting point.
Is it possible to be a patriotic Australian without subscribing to "Football, meat pies, domestic violence and thuggish behaviour overseas"? I believe it is.
This year the trend has been bucked and the Australian of the year is not an athlete of any kind, but rather a person of actual worth. A woman who has pioneered spray on skin for burns victims (See: "People who do good are rarely referred to as do gooders") is a more deserving winner than we've seen in a while.
There is much to make a citizen of this country proud, and not all of it is familiar to people who watch "A Current Affair" Indeed some of the crap being fed to that kind is nothing to be proud of at all. Consider the Diggers in World War One, and specifically Gallipolli. The British treated us with the kind of ambivalent disdain normally reserved for cockroaches, and we took it. We accepted it. It was a shameful page of our national history.
A much more note worthy incident was in the second world war, when our prime minister told Winston Churchill to go and fuck himself, and pulled our battleships out of Europe to concentrate on the more immediate Japanese threat. That's ballsy, and should be celebrated but it isn't.
Many more lesser known events exist, and may be chronicled here as information comes to hand.
At 10:49 pm,
Gilganixon said…
World War 2 was hardly a great sign of Australian backbone. Winston had our soldiers in all sorts of stupid positions in the Mediterranean of all places, with barely a whimper of dissent from our notorious suckhole leader, Menzies. Only after Menzies was deposed and the Singapore bastion fell and it became really clear that the English weren't coming steaming over the horizon to save our insignificant arses did we freak out and stick our tongues up America's collective giant arse for the next sixty years, and counting.
At 5:22 pm,
Himself said…
His name's Dave Hughes, the slogan is 'Holden means a great deal to Australia', I don't think he has anything to do with Rove, and I take it that the slogan is both (a) entirely correct and (b)ironic.
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