The Mumblings of an Observer

Jurgen Schrempp is currently the boss of DaimlerChrysler Corporation. He is a ruthless, chain smoking industrialist. As a known philanderer, he probably fathered an illegitimate son while heading up Mercedes-Benz' glorious sanctions busting South African operation in the early 1980's.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Weekends are great, annual leave is dandy, public holidays are splendid.

But nothing is better than not being at work when you are supposed to be.

I enjoyed such a moment this week, as I was released for a full day to attend a training course that only took half a day.

I promptly got the hell out of there and wheeled the Tennessee Stud into a subcontinental car washing emporium. Reading the Financial Review while supervising others washing my car is a truly delightful experience.

At the end of this I went home to smoke frop and drink Ones on what was to be the only glorious spring day of this week.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Occurences in Sydney

The Man has sent me to Sydney this week to attend a quite good course on communication skills.

My presentation on The Tennessee Stud was a crowd pleaser and introduced some of the more culturally deprived participants to Johnny Cash for the first time.

I think I performed particularly well, considering that amount of alcohol I poured down my no-longer-teenage gullet last night.

I had planned to talk about the APEC and the new arsehole that it tore Sydney last week, but by the time I had collected articles I was far too sick of it to say anything interesting about it.

Another highlight of this course was a joint venture negotiation exercise, where despite representing the smallest company I was able to play the two other companies off against each other in order to extract maximum cash monies.

This involved keeping a straight face while encouraging my fellow man to make utterly foolish decisions.

The new flat that I now call home is tempting me to quit non-smoking, as I now have a superb private yard providing the perfect place to have a puff. I now take full advantage of the rare moments in Melbourne where we have glorious sunshine without crippling wind.

One of the flat's more perverted and disturbing features is the remote control light dimmer in the bedroom. It makes the place feel like Quagmire has lived here. (And done completely unspeakable things to the carpet.

The Man has seen fit to populate Melbourne with 90% male employees and 10% anti-social or spoken for females. Disappointing.

That is all.