The Mumblings of an Observer

Jurgen Schrempp is currently the boss of DaimlerChrysler Corporation. He is a ruthless, chain smoking industrialist. As a known philanderer, he probably fathered an illegitimate son while heading up Mercedes-Benz' glorious sanctions busting South African operation in the early 1980's.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Why I quit Labor and the left in general.

A non exhaustive list, in no particular order:

It doesn't have anything to do with that repulsive Latham character

The stuff they say about social equity is bullshit. The biggest disservice that's been done to the South Australian poor and downtrodden in recent history was the State Bank disaster. This cost every man, woman and child in South Australia $2,500*, and that ended up being taken out of things like public health and education. Mike Rann has the hide to a) Rip into the Liberals for getting their hands dirty fixing the problem and b) Claim responsibility for the "Triple A" credit rating that has only just been restored, 15 odd years later.

When the economy goes pear shaped, rich fat cats consider it part of the investment cycle and the poor catch it in the face.

The mental health system has degenerated further in South Australia since Labor took office. As a police officer I expect to come into contact with a heap of preventable crime that relates to mental disease. I won't always have the discretion to turn a blind eye, especially in serious circumstances, so some people will enter the criminal justice system who never had to.

We elect Labor governments because we're willing to pay a bit more tax on the basis that they will at least take care of social justice. When they can't even do that they are as good as a cunt full of cold water. The Liberals do the same shit job for less money.

If wealthy people vote Liberal and impoverished people vote Labor, wouldn't it logically be in the interests of the Labor party to make sure there are as many impoverished people as possible? General prosperity and economic comfort work for the Liberals, which is why
they're winning seats other than Alexander Downer's ultra rich one in the hills.

The stuff they say about egalitarianism is also bullshit. Refer to a previous post about how they generally have contempt for the common man. Don't expect to find one having a beer with a manual labourer unless it's a photo op. Working class men nowadays bust their arses every day of the week, and sometimes weekends when there's a deadline to meet. I don't think they appreciate their tax dollars going to people who have no plan to work at all.

Labor start unnecessary and ulitimately ridiculous class wars. Paul Keating started one with John Hewson, who pointed out that they both grew up in the same poor neighbourhood and now both live in the same rich one. Not too many brickie's labourers wear $2000 Zegna suits.

It was Labor who put a stop to free tertiary education. The coalition under Malcolm Fraser maintained it for 8 years, including a period of time where Fraser had total control of the senate and could have done anything he wanted.

Mandatory detention for unauthorised immigrants was intoduced by the Keating Labor government in 1993

For a political philosophy that had its roots in 60's anti-authoritarianism, the new academic left have an alarming tendency to tell people what to do:

The left have a zero tolerance attitude towards SUVs, but are willing to bend over backwards to find mitigating circumstances for terrorism. This makes no sense.

People who condemn veal but advocate abortion must believe that a baby cow has more rights than a baby human. (My own position is that veal is awesome and abortion is a necessary evil).

Finally, as a white male in the developed world I had three left wing positions against me on the day I was born.

* Edit. The amount the State Bank disaster cost each South Australian was orginally written here as $25,000. My bad, one too many zeros it seems. It has since been adjusted to the correct $2500. This still puts it on par with the Savings and Loan scandal that rocked the US in the late '80s, and ahead of the Victorian State Bank disaster of the same time (Both on a per capita basis).

I have thought that when my car registration was due I would just ask to take it off the debt that Mike Rann owes me, but I doubt this would be successful.


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