I done gots me a new kind of time keeping device.
As a reward for finishing my degrees, my folks got me an Omega Seamaster. It is 22 years old and was bought for far below replacement cost, its replacement cost being enough to feed a lot of people for a long time.
It doesn't really bling very much though, being understated, subtle and elegant. With a stainless steel case and black leather band it looks a bit like a Samsonite briefcase.
It is otherwise very similar to the one my dad bought for half price in the mid '80s when a container load of them was black-balled by customs in Argentina and sent to Australia to be dumped for salvage price.
The other benefits of finshing uni are starting to sink in. Dreams I had of livin' large only a few years ago are a reality now. My employment with The Man makes a serious fucken career much less hypothetical than it used to be. I look at the employment section of the Financial Review with a lot less longing and a lot more "Damn, I'll be having that within the next ten or so"
I'm preparing a list of things I don't give two shits about anymore
1) Going to a Northern suburbs public school that produces so few uni students that Adelaide Uni will give any of us 8 points on top of our TER for affirmative action.
2) Having such a pitiful TER that the affirmative action still wouldn't have been enough to get into AU
3) Taking six years to finish a four year degree, partly because of involvement in some kind of Corporation
4) Everything else that happened in this Corporation
5) Suffering repeated age discrimination when looking for casual employment (Getting a real job often has that kind of cleansing effect)
6) Leaving my home ridiculously early to attend exams at Wayville, having arrived home ridiculously late from those exams the previous evening.
7) All other 45 minute bus trips, performed twice daily.
8) All other things that have failed to stop me
Mistake T. Schrempp
Degree in Land Raping
Degree in Finding Loopholes in Business Law
Legacy member of the commercial class.
As a reward for finishing my degrees, my folks got me an Omega Seamaster. It is 22 years old and was bought for far below replacement cost, its replacement cost being enough to feed a lot of people for a long time.
It doesn't really bling very much though, being understated, subtle and elegant. With a stainless steel case and black leather band it looks a bit like a Samsonite briefcase.
It is otherwise very similar to the one my dad bought for half price in the mid '80s when a container load of them was black-balled by customs in Argentina and sent to Australia to be dumped for salvage price.
The other benefits of finshing uni are starting to sink in. Dreams I had of livin' large only a few years ago are a reality now. My employment with The Man makes a serious fucken career much less hypothetical than it used to be. I look at the employment section of the Financial Review with a lot less longing and a lot more "Damn, I'll be having that within the next ten or so"
I'm preparing a list of things I don't give two shits about anymore
1) Going to a Northern suburbs public school that produces so few uni students that Adelaide Uni will give any of us 8 points on top of our TER for affirmative action.
2) Having such a pitiful TER that the affirmative action still wouldn't have been enough to get into AU
3) Taking six years to finish a four year degree, partly because of involvement in some kind of Corporation
4) Everything else that happened in this Corporation
5) Suffering repeated age discrimination when looking for casual employment (Getting a real job often has that kind of cleansing effect)
6) Leaving my home ridiculously early to attend exams at Wayville, having arrived home ridiculously late from those exams the previous evening.
7) All other 45 minute bus trips, performed twice daily.
8) All other things that have failed to stop me
Mistake T. Schrempp
Degree in Land Raping
Degree in Finding Loopholes in Business Law
Legacy member of the commercial class.
At 11:41 pm,
Gilganixon said…
Congratu the hell lations. It's about time.
From the man with a five-and-a-half-year degree in yesterday.
At 12:21 pm,
The Desert Tess said…
It is quite a shock to suddenly find oneself in the "real world"! After three months with "real money", "real bill" and "real responsibilities" the time before is already a blur and increasingly unimportant.
Congratulation and wishing you the best of luck as you start the next chapter.
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