The Mumblings of an Observer

Jurgen Schrempp is currently the boss of DaimlerChrysler Corporation. He is a ruthless, chain smoking industrialist. As a known philanderer, he probably fathered an illegitimate son while heading up Mercedes-Benz' glorious sanctions busting South African operation in the early 1980's.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

A society that everybody needs to protect.

If our western societies become more like Islamic ones, it will be conservative heterosexual men who have the least to lose.

Think about it; We'd be the head of the house and the missus would do what she was told, petrol would be cheap and we could own as many guns as we like.

Yee ha!

If some bastard tried to steal my lowered Range Rover I could have his hands cut off.


The no alcohol rule would suck cold hard dick, but you can't have everything.

Accordingly, it should be conservative white guys who are the most 'sensitive' to Islamic extremists, but it isn't. Why not?

I don't know, maybe I'm just not that crazy about any movement whose stated aim is to wipe out any trace of my present and rewrite my history. Maybe progessives don't mind it as much, don't denounce it as loudly and won't do what it takes to beat it because they're ashamed of who we are.

Nobody attends public school in Australia without learning the worst possible interpretation of Australian history, and without learning what a pack of cunts we currently are. My experience of the New Humanities at University is that they continue this theme.

This really is inadequate. By all means people need to learn an honest account of where they're from, but this should not take the form of a heavily biased curriculum propogated by post-modernists, many of whom are still resentful about having lost the Cold War.

Our society's fucked unless enough people believe two fundamental things:

1) The Western way of life is worth protecting
2) Westerners have the right to protect it in their own countries.

Socially progressive people should want to protect it. They have fought (correctly) for secular schools, women's rights, homosexual rights, religious freedom and many other things. These will all be harder to advance in a society whose Islamic communities are larger, more conservative and have more power.
I understand that it feels bad to criticise and offend people you've tought yourself to appease, and that part of a progressive ideal is that you don't do such things, but sooner or later you have to make a choice:
Cultural acquiescence, or a woman's right to get an abortion?
The handbrake has been let off multiculturalism, and it's gathering momentum. At some point cultural sensitivity to conservative Islam will kill every other progressive issue. I guess my question to socially progressive people is this:

Is cultural acquiescence worth it?

It's not imaginary, it's happening in Europe. Decades of fighting to get gay teachers accepted into Dutch public schools is at risk of being flushed down the toilet by Holland's Islamic community. A gentleman named Pim Fortuyn got himself killed for highlighting this danger.

Another gentleman by the name of Theo van Gogh was assassinated for making a film which highlighted the objectionable treatment women receive at the hands of Islam.

There are some wackos out there for sure, and I think it's inevitable that Australia will have a terrorist attack on its soil in the future. The funny thing is that's not what I'm afraid of. I mean having something blow up and kill 200 people every few years would cold suck, but that can't kill Australia. The likelihood of being a victim of a terrorist attack on any given day in any given place is negligible.

Which will be the same likelihood of finding a decent pub in 2030 when a party called The Islamic Alliance of Australia holds the balance of power in the Senate.

I'm not afraid of terrorists blowing things up. That won't work. I'm afraid of fundamentalist, or even conservative Muslims running the show.

Whenever somebody on the right expresses concern about people coming to Australia and changing things, it's isn't long before somebody on the left starts talking about what the white man did to the Aborigine.

Let's have that discussion. Let's talk about what happended to the Aborigines in explicit detail. Let's make sure everybody knows.

And then, when everybody has their heads around that let's ask:

Do we really want that done to us?


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